
Demetrio serves as the treasurer for the cooperative.  He has a mind for business and his sons run a successful local textile business.  Demetrio exemplifies the persevering spirit of Santa Maria.  When showing off the newly formed gully that swallowed part of this coffee plantings when Tropical Storm Agatha rolled through, he just laughs and points out all the coffee that wasn’t destroyed.  With the increased prices for the quality coffee of Santa Maria, Demetrio is currently planting out new areas for coffee and is eager to begin construction of the mill to process his own coffee. 

Altitude:  1700m

Varietals:  Bourbon, Catuai, Paca

Shade:  Avocado, jacote, gravelea

The ProjectThe_Project.html
The CoffeeThe_Coffee.html
The FarmersThe_Farmers.html